Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week Nine: Chapter 7

There were so many great bullet points from this chapter but I will only list 5 that stuck out to me.

  • Effective teachers carefully establish classroom routines that enable them and their students to work flexibly and efficiently. 
  • Caring teachers intentionally develop awareness of their students' cultures outside of school. 
  • High levels of teacher motivation relate to high levels of student achievement. 
  • Effective teachers know and understand their students in terms of abilities, achievement, learning preferences, and needs. 
  • Effective teachers match instruction to learners' achievement needs. 
There were so many more and it became slightly overwhelming because I felt like I needed to be all of those things at once. Maybe I do. But for now, I am going to pick a few to work on at a time. 

I agree with the book and most of the reasons it list's as to why teaching is hard. But I got thinking, no matter what profession I went into, it is always going to be hard to some degree. This is when you adapt, learn, and make things work. I know there are many things that are going to be hard as a teacher, I will probably want to pull my hair out at some point, but I know it will all be worth it in the end. 

"Through cultivated passion for whom we teach and what we teach, we become what we can be, even as we accept the quixotic challenge of helping every learner we encounter to become what they can be." 

I agree with this, and can't wait to start my journey. 

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