Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 3: Defining Differentiation and PS22

I really enjoyed learning what differentiation means, more in depth. It is how a teacher responds to the students needs and adjusts. The teacher has to be aware of each student and what needs to be done for them. While I have thought about doing this in my classroom, I now have a vocabulary word for it. Differentiation. I love it. They key like I said, is truly to get to know your students and help them the best you can. Will it take more work? Yes. Is it going to be hard? Yes. Will it be worth it? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! One thing I really liked that was said is, "Being fair doesn't mean everyone is treated the same, it means that everyone is treated how they need to be." Something to that affect. I know I'm getting it wrong.

I think to become an amazing teacher instead of just a good teacher, is how differentiation is used. If used at all. The more a teacher can differentiate, the better the class will succeed.

We also watched a Youtube clip and the school PS22. It is about a teacher who has such passion for the students that he started a school chorus. Students have blossomed. He keeps the students from shutting down and gives them hope in the future. While I am not a good musician, I really enjoyed watching the passion Mr. B had for his students. I want to be like that for my students. I want them to know I have the best hopes for them and what to help them achieve their goals.

1 comment:

  1. You can absolutely be the "Ms.B" (rather than Mr. B) that your students need. You can be that important in their lives, and have that kind of influence on their learning. Go for it! (3 pts.)
