Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 4: Hallmarks

There are 8 Hallmarks

1. A strong link between what you are teaching and what you are assessing.
2. Absolute clarity about what you want students to know, understand and do.
3. Shared the responsibility of the classroom with the students.
4. Individual growth is emphasized as central to classroom success.
5. A "way up," usually through multiple and varied pathways, and never a "way out."
6. "Respectful" and engaging work for all students.
7. Flexible grouping
8. Flexible use of time, space, and materials.

Dr. Peterson told us this is what makes the difference between good teachers, and great teachers. I agree. The think that is hard for me is remembering all of these. But I also think some of these should just be naturally encompassed. I want to keep these posted somewhere I can reflect on them.

Dr. Peterson also showed us some letters teachers have students take home. Some of them were very endearing and definitely showed traits of a hallmark teacher. They were notes, telling the parents how wonderful she thought their children were or how grateful she was to have them in their class. There was one letter she showed us where I don't even know why the teacher was even a teacher. From the letter, it sounded like she didn't even like kids, let alone teaching. It was actually quite heartbreaking in a way. I never want to become like that. That is for sure!

I really like all of the Hallmarks, one that stuck out to me was, "Individual growth is emphasized as central to classroom success". In order to have individual growth, the teacher needs to know the student to help them succeed. "Goals that are personally challenging". How are you going to know what goals are challenging to each student if you don't even know them? This really struck home with me.

1 comment:

  1. Nichole, my heart just sings with joy to read that you know the kind of teacher you want to be, and you know how much your students need you to be that teacher! You're almost THERE... what an exciting time this is for you! (3 pts.)
